About Us
As a manufacturer of many Custom Shaped Products and Full Color Imprinting, we are here to offer you a wide range of Paddles for all your budgets and needs. We started off as a manufacturer of Custom Signage and through the needs of our Customers; expanded to different areas of unique and innovative products.
We were the ONLY USA Manufacturer of Die Cut and Custom Shaped Paddle Rackets until the need of keeping pricing low forced us to work in Mexico but we ship at Ground pricing.
We are also Contract Printers on Custom Products as we can design, cut and shape – so if you have an item you require in Full 4 Color Process with or without a Full Bleed; we can easily produce that for you.
Lastly, if you have a need for any other types of Branded Products, please tell us and we will discount the full order.
The substrates or materials we work with are; Wood, Acrylic, Pressboard, Styrene, Syntra, Corrugated, E-Flute, Cork, Foam and other types you might consider.
So if you need something custom made for that special event; e-mail us at Quote@CustomPaddlesPlus.com or
call us at # 1 877-MY-PADDL | # 1-877 69-72335 | 516.304.5774